Thursday, January 8, 2009

Brief update & Cover Shoot for Runner's World is on stands now!

So.. I'm sorry I haven't posted and update but my doctor canceled my appointment again & then I find out he's not working at the practice anymore. Figures. I have an appointment this Saturday though, so we'll see what this new doc says. My dilemma is whether or not I should sign up for this marathon. I want to run it so badly. Even if I have to walk half of it. I don't care. I want to run with Lydia and Jocelyn & we'll probably cry when we cross the finish line & I don't want to miss that. I am tired! I have to wake up and water run tomorrow.. first time in a while! I am bad.

Anyways, I have something cool to share with all of you runners!
Back in November we did a shoot for the cover of Runner's World & the cover hit stands this week! Lolo Jones was amazing & incredibly sweet. She worked so hard to give us the best shots possible & really was a class act. Not to mention she is GORGEOUS. Absolutely beautiful. Check out the video of behind the scenes and an interview with lolo. I'm in the video too, see if you can spot me!


Kim Caro said...

how cool to be in a marathon, 10 miles...easy? ? eeps!

J said...

ahh now I can't wait for my runners world mag to get here! Good luck at the doctors! I know it stinks to not be able to run but just wait and see what happens, hopefully it will be good news!

Jocelyn said...

I love you! Keep it up girl. But DON'T kill yourself!!

Chic Runner said...

Can't wait for the new runner's world now, I love lolo! :) Thanks for the insider video. Hopefully the news will be good once it does come from the dr. Good luck!