Sunday, October 5, 2008

the day before the fun begins

Yes. Wine festival. Birthday weekend. Lydia's suprise visit!
While at the wine festival this weekend Lydia, Jocelyn, and I decided its time to do something we've never done before. A marathon! So we're going to make it happen. I decided to keep a blog to track my progress and hold me accountable. I'm going to see if I can get Lydia & Jocelyn to commit to doing a blog too. I love to run, I used to run cross country in middle school & I wasn't very good, but I busted my butt and stuck with it. I stopped racing and started playing soccer for my high school & that kept me in pretty good cardio shape. Since high school I've been running on my own, off and on. I've been running semi consistently now 3-5 miles 3-4 days a week for the past couple months & I'm ready to kick it up a notch. I took a break from running outside for a month due to an injury, I hope I can stay injury free while I train.. getting adequate rest & making time to stretch properly. I'm also going to keep my diet in check so I don't carry around any unnecessary poundage! yeah, good luck shannon!

So! The marathon we plan on doing is the Rock n' Roll San Diego Marathon on May 31st in California. That is 34 weeks from now! My boyfriend Jon lives in San Diego, it will be a nice excuse to visit him that weekend too. He is a constant source of support and inspiration for me and it will be great to do this out there in sunny san diego running with two of my best girls and my man cheering us on along the sidelines. I hear this is a great marathon for first timers so I'm looking forward to it!

I must admit something. I haven't raced since middle school. Not one 5K, 2K, 10K, Half Marathon, nothing! So this will be a great challenge. Maybe I'll squeeze in a race or two between now and May 31st. Until then, I hit the pavement (or the treadmill..) so long as my hips and knees allow it.

I'm siked. And as I turn 25 tomorrow I also start day one of fulfilling my commitment to doing this for myself and for two of my favoritest people. We'll cheer each other on :)

1 comment:

Jocelyn said...

Have you done your running today? I haven't. I'm in the dog house. I'm still sore from Lydia's run. I'm getting up at 6 tomorrow to do run! you should too!!